Awaiting you

Awaiting you
Awaiting you
Awaiting you
Awaiting you
Awaiting you
Awaiting you
Awaiting you
Awaiting you

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Awaiting you

Regular price Rs. 1,500.00 Sale price Rs. 1,350.00
Embrace the journey of pregnancy with Mumkin's "Awaiting You" hamper. Filled with love and thoughtfulness, it accompanies you through this special time, offering comfort, joy, and treasured moments to cherish.

What's Included

Embrace motherhood's joyous anticipation with Mumkin's thoughtful "Awaiting You" hamper, filled with love and treasures to accompany your pregnancy journey.

Mumkin's stylish and reusable water bottle is your perfect companion for a healthy, hydrated body and radiant skin. Stay refreshed and nourished throughout the day with your daily dose of water.

Capture the cherished milestones of your pregnancy with Mumkin's timeless set of cards. Designed to remind you to document those special moments, each card marks significant milestones from the early weeks to the final stages of pregnancy, ensuring no memory goes unnoticed.

Waiting through pregnancy becomes a delightful experience with Mumkin's carefully crafted activity book. When you seek companionship beyond the usual, our book is there to entertain and engage you. Embrace the joy of games and creative pursuits while patiently anticipating your little one's arrival.

Preserve the magic of your baby's sonogram image with Mumkin's colorful frame. This precious keepsake holds the priceless moment when you first caught a glimpse of your little one. Safeguard this treasured memory and cherish it for a lifetime.

Leave a lasting impression on Mumkin's heartfelt note cards. Let your friends and family pen down their wishes, love, and support, and keep these sentiments close to your heart. Don't forget to pack these special cards as you prepare your hospital bag, creating memories to be cherished for years to come.

  • To care for your Mumkin "Awaiting You" hamper:
    Hand wash the water bottle with mild soap.
    Keep the milestone cards in a dry place, away from moisture.
    Protect the activity book from tears or spills.
    Handle the sonogram frame with care to avoid damage.
    Safely store the note cards in a dry and secure location. Enjoy the treasures and create lasting memories!

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